Alice Clayton – Author of the Redhead and Cocktail Series

The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead, #1)

Anyone who reads my blog knows I am currently in love with the writing of author Alice Clayton. Anyone who asks me for a recommendation hear’s “Alice Clayton” before they even finish their question. I think her writing has a perfect balance of witty, fun banter, lovable and memorable characters and sexy, erotic lovers. They made me laugh; they made me cry; and I will enjoy their stories again and again. So you can imagine how excited I was to have an opportunity to ask Alice Clayton some questions about her Redhead Series, Wallbanger and the upcoming Cocktail Series.

Thank you so much for talking with us today about your wonderful Crazy Redhead, Grace Sheridan and Hollywood’s It Boy, Jack Hamilton.

I must say that I am very happy this is not a phone interview since I don’t think you would be able to hear me over all the screaming women behind me. I have been talking up your books to—well, everyone. My friends have all loved your stories as much as I have and when I told them I would be interviewing you, they all kind of lost their minds.

From what I understand, you were a bit of a late bloomer as a writer and didn’t start writing your books until you were 33.

First of all, thank you so much! And glad to know the screaming is the good kind of screaming. And yes, most certainly a late bloomer when it comes to writing. I started working on what became The Unidentified Redhead when I was 33, and it was literally the first thing I’ve ever written.

I’m guessing it is not a coincidence that Grace Sheridan returns to Hollywood at the same age of 33?

Not a coincidence at all! I remember reading some great advice, write what you know. Since I was so new to all this, it made sense!

In your Redhead series, the young 24-year-old Jack Hamilton has been the more mature of the two in the relationship. But in The Redhead Plays Her Hand, he finally starts to buckle under the pressure of his new superstardom. What happened to our stoic Jack?The Redhead Plays Her Hand (Redhead, #3)

Ah Jack. Well, it was time to knock him down off his pedestal a bit, don’t you think? Everyone has a breaking point, everyone has their flaws, but only in Hollywood do you get to see those flaws and that breaking point played out on the nightly news.

Instead of reading the Redhead series, I picked up the recently released audiobooks. I must say Keili Lefkovitz did a wonderful job bringing Grace to life for me, and I even heard her voice in my head as I read Book #3. As the author, do you get any say in who narrates your work?

I do! And I’m so glad you mentioned Keili, because she is actually my best friend in real life. And not only that, but she was the inspiration behind the character of Holly in The Redhead Series. We’ve been besties since college, and when it came down to finally give an actual voice to these characters, there was no one else I wanted reading my words. It’s great, because I knew I needed someone who would inherently understand the comedy, but also be able to give it some good…hmm, how shall I say this…some good ungh. And she nailed it.

Let’s talk about wallbanging for a moment. Can I guess was there was an apartment in your past that inspired your story, Wallbanger? Did you live next door to your own Simon and did you forgo TV and just sit in your bedroom with popcorn?

Wallbanger (Cocktail, #1)Anyone who has endured apartment living has a Wallbanger story. I wish I had the second part of the story, with the guy and the charm and the abs and the jaw and the scruff and the grin, but I just had the noise.

You recently posted a big announcement on your website that you will be publishing three more books in your new Cocktail series (Book #1 was Wallbanger). There will be Rusty Nailed, Screwdrivered and Mai Tai’d Up. Can you tell us, will these books feature the further adventures of Simon and Caroline or will it focus on friends in their world?

Rusty Nailed is the sequel to Wallbanger, so it will focus on the next part of Simon and Caroline’s adventure, along with what’s going on with their friends. Screwdrivered and Mai Tai’d Up will be all new books with all new characters, however there will be familiar faces popping in from time to time. I can’t wait!

Thank you again for talking to us today. I myself will be waiting impatiently for your next book. If you let us know the next time you are in NYC, I have a bunch of women who would love to take you out for a night of dirty martinis.

Name the place. I’ll be there 😉

Check out our Alice Clayton reviews:
The Unidentified Redhead
The Redhead Revealed
The Redhead Plays Her Hand
H&H – First Look: The Redhead Plays Her Hand

Alice Clayton - color

Alice Clayton is a novelist with an unholy love for her KitchenAid mixer. Making her home in St Louis, she enjoys gardening but not weeding, baking but not cleaning up afterwards, and is trying desperately to get her long time boyfriend to make her an honest woman. Hi sweetie!!

After working for years in the cosmetics industry as a makeup artist, esthetician, and national educator for a major cosmetics company, Alice picked up a pen (read laptop) for the first time at 33 to begin a new career, writer. Combining her love of storytelling with a sense of silly, she was shocked and awed to be nominated for a Goodreads Author award in 2010 for her debut novels, The Redhead Series.

Alice has penned three novels, The Unidentified Redhead,The Redhead Revealed, and coming soon in November 2012, Wallbanger. She thinks you should purchase them immediately. She’s not kidding, not even a little bit. Everyone needs some comedic erotica in their lives.

Additionally, Alice loves spending time with her besties on Not Your Mother’s Podcast, make sure you check them out at or over on iTunes. 3 women rushing towards their forties still acting like teenagers. A saucy little mix of sex, love, relationships, pop cultural, celebrity gossip and All Things Jake Ryan.

Alice enjoys pickles, Bloody Mary’s, 8 hours of sleep, and a good pounding.

Finally Alice would also like all her readers and listeners to help her convince Mt. Alice that the only other thing that would make her truly happy is finally bringing home a Bernese Mountain Dog. She is totally serious. And done talking about herself in the third person…

  1. Ok, I honestly don’t know since I haven’t read the Redhead series yet but it’s on my wish list. Loved Wallbanger so I know whatever Alice Clayton writes will be amazing! Thanks for the fabulous interview … excited to know there is more coming for the Cocktail aka Wallbanger series.

  2. I am totally Team Simon! Jack is cool too, but I’m definitely Team Simon!

  3. I’m Team Simon all the way!

  4. Team simon for me

  5. Team Simon! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity … good luck to the other entrants and happy holidays to all!

  1. Pingback: The Redhead Plays Her Hand by Alice Clayton | EBookObsessed

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