Rebecca Zanetti, Dark Protectors Series

Thank you for coming to speak with us today about your awesome Dark Protectors series.

First, I have to tell you how much I love you and I hate you! I had the pleasure of meeting you at the RWA 2011 conference in NYC last summer. That morning, Cynthia Eden had posted some information on your book Fated which sounded so great and I had planned to pick up a copy, and when I saw you sitting at your table at the conference, I had to come over and get my own signed copy. When I started it the next morning, I was hooked on this series by page 2. But—I do hate you because not only don’t you give me all the answers that I want by the end of the story (or you add more questions – ugh!!) , AND you are such a TEASE!!! Not only are we still waiting for Tempted (3/27) and Hunted (4/24) to be released, but you are already posting snippets for your next book to be released Consumed (6/1) which is Katie and Jordan’s story. (I want it, I want it, I want it!!!) Okay–got that out of my system.

Thanks so much for your kind words as well as having me here today! I have to admit, I do love sending out those teasers about future books. Have I told you about book 5 – Kane’s book? Well, he’s in search of a demon destroyer (gifted human who can counter-act the creepy mind games of the demons), and finds one at an eco-ranch. Kane is logical and strong…his mate is one with the earth and wings it. She’s also a pacifist and truly doesn’t know her powers. Yet. 🙂
(Want it, want it..)

Let’s talk about you first. Have you always had a desire to write or did you catch the writing bug somewhere along the way?

I’ve always wanted to write and have had more than my share of imaginary friends who often had to leave to save the world. But they always came back to visit once in a while. I also wanted to be a lawyer…and teach at a college. Right now I’m doing all three, but something’s going to have to give soon.

What kind of trouble do you like to get into when you are not writing?

Who, me? Trouble? No way. 🙂 Well, now that you mentioned it, I did just return from a weekend in Vegas with 20 other women. We flew down there to celebrate my friend’s birthday. There was one trip to the hospital, one to the underground holding room in the casino to fetch a troublemaker, two jackpots, too many glasses of wine, and several bare male hineys at the Thunder Down Under show. I don’t know how many times I had to say, “I’m not licensed to practice law in Nevada. Stop getting into trouble.”

Just in case there is someone reading who hasn’t tried your series (Really?? Why not??), can you tell us a little about the Dark Protectors and the world of the Realm?

You crack me up! The five Kayrs brothers are the vampire leaders of the Realm, and the series concentrates on them and their friends. Vampires are born and not made in my series – they’re just genetically different. No human can just turn into a vamp. The bad guys (Kurjans) have created a virus that appears to attack vampire mates (who are usually human) —which really ticks the good guys off. Oh, and, vampires are male only.

In your first book Fated, which starts us with story of Talen and Cara, one of the characters in that story is Cara’s daughter, Janie, who is only 4. Little Janie seems to be very pivotal in this series, can you talk to us a little about Janie?

I’ve been a little surprised, and very pleased, with reader response to Janie. One of the goofy rules you hear is not to include kids in an adult romance…but I did. Janie is a human psychic and is very powerful. All of the different species in the Realm have prophesies about her. In Fated, she’s four years old, and she has seen Talen as well as the bad guys coming for her. To be honest, the entire series is really Janie’s story, and it’ll end with her book.

By the time I finished Fated, I could have written you a list of whose story I wanted to read, but I would have had trouble deciding which story I wanted next. Your next book, Claimed, was the story of the King, Dage, and Cara’s sister, Emma. Why did you choose them for your next book?

Dage was just so powerful and hot I had to write his story next. He’s the king, has sacrificed a lot for his people, and has been searching for his mate for centuries. He deserved some love. Of course, Emma doesn’t exactly make it easy on him.

Hunted features vampire brother Connlan and his mate, Moira, who is a seventh daughter of a seventh daughter of the house of witches, which makes her a potentially powerful witch. After all the vampires and shifters, did you have fun with the idea of adding the witches?

Oh yeah, I had a ball with adding witches. I’m logical once in a while (being a lawyer sometimes lends itself to logic), so I had some fun trying to figure out how magic could work. I used quantum physics and string theory to explain how objects could change, thus creating magic. Don’t worry, I don’t go into too much detail about physics. 🙂

Hunted also introduces us to some interesting new characters. Can we look forward to seeing more of them in future books, most particularly Moira’s sister, Brenna?

Well now, aren’t you looking ahead? 🙂 Okay. I’ll let the secret out here. Brenna will be Jase’s mate. Jase is the youngest Kayrs brother – the fun-loving, goofy one…until he gets kidnapped and tortured by demons for a couple years. He comes back a bit dark…and Brenna is the only one who can save him. (Jase is kidnapped and tortured by Demons!!! 😐 Ooohh My God!!! Love you/Hate you! Love you/Hate you! Want! Want! Want!)

In Hunted, one of your characters gets beaten pretty badly (not telling…), is it hard as a writer to put your characters through that?

Should I say yes? I feel like I should say yes here. But, not really. The character (thanks for not telling) is a major tough guy…and his surviving the beating and taking out the bad guy shows his strength-both physically and mentally. And…he’s still injured in the final scene but pushes onward to save his love. Sigh.

Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. I look forward to continuing my love/hate relationship with your novels until the final showdown when I will dance with joy to finally have all my answers and cry myself to sleep since there will be no more books. Please feel free to e-mail me privately if you need to bounce any future book ideas off someone. I would be happy to help! 😉

You are so sweet! Thank you so much for having me here today. I’d love to give away an ARC of Hunted to a commenter here today. Just say hi or answer this question: What do you like about a paranormal hero?

Check out some of my reviews on Rebecca’s Dark Protectors:

About Rebecca

Rebecca Zanetti wrote her first story when she was six – a romance between a princess and neighboring prince.  The princess fell out of her castle and the prince rescued her. A happily ever after was had by all.

This theme of romance has been carried through Rebecca’s works until present time.  While today’s heroine may have a medical degree, black belt in Karate and her own 401K, she’s still after that happy ending.  And today’s prince may have fangs and wear a black hat, but hey, a modern princess likes a guy who bites.

Rebecca attended Pepperdine University, earning a bachelor’s degree in Journalism with a Political Science emphasis.  While there she worked as the Editor-in-Chief of The Graphic newspaper, a member of the Pi Phi Sorority and an intern for President Reagan, who still gave 3-5 speeches a week, even though he was no longer president.

After college, Rebecca worked as an art curator and a Senate aide before heading to law school, where she received her Juris Doctorate from the University of Idaho.  She married Tony Zanetti in the middle of her second year of law school and became pregnant with their first child during the third year.  She graduated law school, gave birth three weeks later, and took the Bar Exam three weeks after that.  All she remembers about the bar exam is that it was so quiet in the testing room, she thought about taking a quick nap.  But she continued on, passed the bar and became a lawyer.   She worked for a large firm, then a small firm, then the county while also teaching legal classes at her local community college.  Now she writes about vampires.

Growing up amid the glorious backdrops and winter wonderlands of the Pacific Northwest has given Rebecca fantastic scenery and adventures to weave into her stories.  She resides there with her husband, children and extended family who inspire her every day.  Rebecca has completed several manuscripts, winning award throughout the writing industry for her work.  She is currently working on the Dark Protector’s Series published by Kensington Brava.

See more at

  1. sounds like a great book…thanks for the chance

  2. Focused, loyal, protective, hot, sexy. I could go on and on. This book sounds great. Can’t wait to read it. Thanks for the giveaway.


  3. Hi! What I love about a paranormal hero is that they aren’t normal:) Makes everything much more exciting because there are always complications and extremes on everything. Plus (and this is a major plus) they are always sexier than sin! Normal guys have nothing on them:)

  4. Strong and Sexy 🙂

  5. You’re a great author…..I love this storyline, was hooked from the beginning. Thank you for the oppurtunity.

  6. Ooooohhhh, I just adore this series. And can’t wait to read the next in the series. Thanks for the giveaway opp. I would love to win.

    What do I like about a paranormal hero? Well usually it is that when they mate, they mate for life however long that may be. They also usually make the love of their live feel so cherished and loved. That they are usually eye candy goes without saying and usually are alpha or beta males. If they have a good sense of humor, I go weak in the knees. And even if they have a protective streak a mile wide, they still allow their mate to be by their side, not smothering them, I melt like chocolate in a hot hand. If they are having a little bit of difficulty with modern times, have to wipe myself up off the floor.

  7. Hi Rebecca, hope you get to feeling better soon! What do I like about a paranormal hero? Hmm.. He’s far above and beyond normal, typical everyday guy… Would love to win a copy of Hunted…

    cms72023 at gmail dot com

  8. I am about to start this series and you guys just got me so worked up. I can’t wait!

    What I like about a paranormal hero? I love the strong Alpha male that doesn’t want to commit and then finds his mate and is hell bent on getting her, but the heroine always gives him hell. That’s my favorite. Arrogant, HOTTTTT, and an (about to be former) playboy

  9. I like that the paranormal hero is usually over-the-top on everything, including depth of feelings, looks, and lovemaking skills.

    I can’t wait to read Hunted because I really like Moira.

  10. Romance Reader Enthusiast

    What I like about paranormal heroes is that seem to be able to do more than a normal human can do. They also usually have an attitude that it takes the right woman to show them a different way and love them for who they are and not what sometimes they pretend to be.


  11. Sounds wonderful. I agree with you. There is no reason not to include children in romance books of any kind. If they can be worked into the storyline in a realistic way they can often be a great addition.
    I like my paranormal hero to have some baggage and be handsome/sexy/intelligent/loyal and loving.
    Thank you.

  12. Can’t wait for the next book! Love ’em!

  13. OMG I looooooove Rebecca’s Dark Protectors!!! I cannot wait for Tempted and Hunted!!! I love her hot action and hotter couples 🙂 Great interview!!!

    I love my paranormal heroes to have a little dark edge to them. I like them a little possessive and a lot sexy! I like a hero that is not afraid to show his love for his woman!

  14. I have read the whole series but this one, can’t wait. Hope for a chance to win.

  15. I’m really looking forward to reading this book….

  16. Love the series, keep up the great work!

  17. I love sexy, strong, and fearless !!

  18. Can’t wait!!

  19. Thank you s much for the chance to win a copy of this book. I guess what I like in paranormal heroes is for them to be alpha males, strong, protective, dependable, confident, respectful of others, intelligent, have a sense of humor (if a little twisted/warped). And of course he should be sexy and maybe a little dangerous.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  20. Shannon Courtney

    I am excited for this book.

  21. Amanda Woodruff

    I’m sooooo excited for more books in this series and the teasers about future books were greatly appreciated 🙂 Keep writing!

  22. I want to read them all right now!!! I loved the 1st book and can’t wait to read more!

  23. I love this series! I love a misunderstood hero. I also like when the hero is emotionally scarred or damaged.

  24. Joanne Acosta-Bang-o

    Cant wait for Hunted to be released!

  25. Of course I love the paranormal hero because they are sexier and more intense than the average basic “human” hero. However, when the hero’s extra abilities/powers are actually the root of his struggle to find his mate or even accept love, that is when I am hooked! I love the concept of a hero being hindered /weakened by that which is supposed to make him stronger. Love against those odds … that’s something worth reading.

  26. I love this series and there is no doubt in my mind that I will love all the books to come! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  27. Hi! Sorry you are under the weather, feel better soon! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of Hunted, I LOVE, LOVE this series. Thanks for the chance.

  28. Janice Hougland

    To tell the truth, I’m not sure why I like paranormal heroes. I just do. Well, maybe it’s because they love/mate for life–no infidelity for them! I haven’t read any of your work yet, but intend to. When I find an author I like, I read everything from them I can get my hands on (from the library if I can, a used book store or a Kindle edition from During these economic times I have to be very creative to feed my reading habit! Then, I wait until that author’s next new book comes out and I watch for it religiously.

  29. I love my paranormal heroes to be tortured, flawed, totally alpha, strong, mean and nasty when he needs to be, dangerous, dark, powerful, OH and the list goes on! I totally love this series. Thanks for the giveaway.


  30. Hi Rebecca. I’m glad you had a great time in Vegas. What I like about Paranormal Hero’s? Hot alpha males, good looks, strong male features. Passionate, possessive, protective and a little bit scarey. Whats not to like?
    I enjoyed the questions and answers and I look forward to more.

  31. Great interview! The series sounds very good.

  32. I like paranormal heroes because they are so different. There’s the immortal status they have, and that can be very intriguing, but that’s if their a Vampire. I also like the dark and brooding hero, one that’s a bit of a bad boy but deep down he’s a lover. I also like that they have some hidden talents.
    I do hope you feel better soon, Rebecca. I have Hunted on my list, also Fated and Claimed. Can these books be read as stand alones?
    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

  33. Congrats on the release! Looking forward to it.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  34. PaParanormalFan

    Hello Rebecca,

    I hope you are feeling better & wish you a speedy recovery.
    Your 3rd Book in the Dark Protectors Series, “Hunted” sounds just as Great as “Fated” & “Claimed”…..I can’t wait to read Vampire Prince Conn & Moira’s Story, in his quest to Ireland to search for the witch he claimed as a mate a century before. This sounds Great & I Love your Cover Art, Very Sensual & Sexy!

    “What do I like about a paranormal hero? What I like is that they are Hot Sexy Alpha Males that are not perfect, they have their flaws & that brings out their dark, dangerous & possesive side…..but they’re ALWAYS extremely protective of their Heroine, willing to do anything to pleasure & Love them.

    Take Care & Get Well Quick,
    PaParanormalFan (Renee’ S.)

  35. Great question and answer session, very interesting to note the response to putting a character through something tuff. thanks for the post. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com

  36. I just started reading the first in the Dark Protector Series. I was hooked by the second page. Love it. I had to stop right there go to Amazon and put the rest on my wish list. Can’t wait to read them all. As for the hero’s, I love the long hair. Not really sensible for a hero. But sexy just the same. I sit here and think about running my fingers through all that long hair, OMG! Lol.

  37. I can’t wait fo the book to come out! hoping to win the book so i can get that jump start on it! lol. love you Rebecca!


  38. Finished ‘Fated’ and now reading ‘Claimed’. Can’t wait to see how this works out for Dage and Emma. They are both such Alpha personalities, so I’m expecting massive fireworks and lots of fun. Now with all the little tidbits you have given us, I am going to go a bit nuts playing the waiting game. I’m really intrigued to see how the scenario between Janie, Kalin and Zane works out as they all get older. I know that Zane says Janie is his mate, but a lot can happen, right? Thanks for such great characters and stories! 🙂

  39. Hi Rebecca! I just received Claimed in the mail yesterday. Obviously when I’m done with that book, I’ll be looking for more ** Grin ** . I love a great paranormal hero, strong, confident and sexy. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  40. I like that he is able to do almost anything, even beyond the possible, to be with his love.

  41. Hi Rebecca! I love the Dark Protectors series! I can not wait to read Hunted!

  42. Love the series!

    I love a paranormal hero, well because he is sexy beyond believe. Loves his mate for eternity, can be a bad boy but still the best lover ever!

  43. After I finished reading Claimed & Fated I can’ t wait for Hunted to come out! I love the characters, and their stories! When I find an author I like its always hard to wait for their new books! Keep them coming! You keep me entertained!

  44. Hi! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  45. Ooo! Exciting stuff. 😀

  46. I loved Fated.

  47. I love your men Rebecca, and it’s so fun to watch them connect with the women you’ve picked for them.

    Have a blast in Maui.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

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